mardi 15 janvier 2008

Snap blogger


Been busy for a while with boredom. More seriously, I wanted to post some old stuff I've done for some a long awhile, more recents for others. So let's get back to the past, some shoots are taken with a A75 and others with my canon but with the classic lens 18-55.

What's the fucking aim of posting old work except fullfilling the blog? Well I wanted to show I've not always been doing photos of friends partying in black and white and done 'varied' stuff before.
So on with the photos, I apologise for the lack of logic stories and posts but I've got no general directions for that blog.

Biennale du Design - Saint Etienne
strange micro wave... the worst is that it's supposed to work !
Sainté ... those dull balconeys can become some kind of abstract cubes if you take the time to imagine.

Enjoy the dawning at Lyon, the historic ennemy city of Saint Etienne in soccerEsplanade de sainté, dunno why but I used to like distorsion on the photos. I still do but I actually try to take care about that and avoid it.
street shooting, big up to the painters , real art in the street !
Enjoy a moment at the countryside
Or along that lake.
Or visit the stunning Venice and its canals.
Sky always provides such good color tones after a storm
Back to Saint Etienne, the Espalanade roof top.
Back to Saint Chamond, fucking work place.
I'd rather take a seat in Amsterdam's streets.
And finally see how much time is running out.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Alors mon coup de coeur c'est :
- la 6em en partant du haut lol, parce que la moarmotte est doué ac larchitecture(cmt ça secrit deja lol)
- la 8em.jmen rapel de celle la.c'est un peu toi qui ma fait aimer la photographie :-) je crois que cest vrmt lune de mes favorite ...
- et la 10em pr la couleur ! lol. le cadrage mintrigue !

en direct de Billere a 04h59
(car lheure deconne apparemment :) )