samedi 16 février 2008

Changes and petite annonce

Almost March... Maybe soon I'll be jobless again maybe not, depends on the Groupe Zannier and mostly myself. Shall I go on doing a job which is definitly not the best I could get or take a risk (for once) and leave it all away? I still dunno, I 'd like to have a year working abroad to see new things but there's a step to go. It's like The more I get older the less risky I become.
Anyway, I've not been doing much photography lately, except developing one roll of Ilford hp5+.

I still look for a negative adaptater on the epson perfection 1260 I've got Or any which would work on a hp officejet 6315 (They call it TMA thingy). So if someone ever has a look on that page and who'd be interested to sell one, do not hesitate to mail me.
Once I've got one I 'll be able to upload some of the photos I've taken with my pentax, still no idea of what they look like so far as I don't have a clue if the negs are good or not. It seems it's ok for some, not for some. Ok on with the photos :
*lil update 06/03 // ptite mise a jour, j'avais oublié des fotos ^^

I know I've posted a similar shoot but I really like the light in there
At Vince's place, we were drinking in an underground room. Memories from childhood
Pints of cervoise on a saturday night,
Grainy photo cause the pub was fucking dark. 1600 iso with 1.8 of aperture, the best I could have with my config on the damn 350D.

It seems spring is already here

Truly boring, bah just enjoy the colors
I've got some of my photos printed, my parents decided to get some of the digital ones printed . It feels good to have a 'real' photograph in the hands.

Today in Saint-Etienne, that naked statue is pretty famous in my lil hometown. I've thought I never took any photo of it so I decided to shoot it while I was going to the Fnac to see if those idiots would have the scanner accessory I'm looking for.
Have a good time all.



6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Et une insomniaque de passage :)bisous

Anonyme a dit…

oups ça ma ps mi le nom

Anonyme a dit…

bizard on est le 24 fevrier 2008 et il est 04h51 et ça affiche 19h et quelque nimp ! lol

Anonyme a dit…

dsl pou pr tte cette place de monopolisé... ché ps si tu peux effacé les com ms nesite pas lol
Le truc c'est que je dechiffre jms ce que tu ecrit pour les photos lol
tu penses qu'aux anglais !!
Bref fini les com ! bisous


Laurent a dit…

Salut ze visiteuse.
ok alors ptite traduc pr toi uniquement ;) :
Donc je disais que cétait bientot mars et ke j'allais peut etre me retrouver sans travail, ca dépendra surtout sur ce que je choisis. Ke j'aimerai bien travailler a l'étranger mais que ca me fait peur d'un certain coté etc. Sinon ensuite je dit que je cherche un accessoire scanner .Sinon pr le com fotos, c'est :
- on dirait que le printemps est dja la.
- Ke j'ai certaine de mes fotos imprimées et ke ca fait plaise
- la statue a sainté est assez connue donc j'ai profité de mon passage a la fanc pr la prendre en foto ;)
Voila, tu sais ca me dérange pas du tout que tu laisses des com impromptus :) . Ca été même une bonne surprise ! Bisoux

Anonyme a dit…

Ah yess!! une traduc rien que pr moi ;-) merci ptite marmotte.
Bon courage pr lorientation :)
bisouxx !