So for the the 1st of may which was a day off, I've visited my uncle though I was not that motivated to have a family lunch (always way too long to my mind) but fortunately it happened to be a really nice day. As my uncle is a potter (sounds like stupid related with harry potter), I decided to have some shoot of his pieces of pottery.
The potter himself If I were a kid I would be scared with those statues, they have such a weird face.
My dad , I was pretty happy with that photo. It 's pretty neat and the contrast are good.Today we had a barbecue. Took the photo just for fun.
2 commentaires:
Hey Laurent,
how are you ? Didn't see you on Worldwide Photogaphers for a while. Hope you didn't loose interest. At least we didn't ;)
See yah there ?
Rick Wezenaar
Hi Rick :)
I'm ok and you?
I haven't been to worlwide photographers for a while because I forgot to post my new work in there. I was mainly focusing on my blog and my deviantart account. But I fixed my lack of work there ;)
Thanks for passing by
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